Friday, August 27, 2010

What is the 6th Largest U.S. Lake?

We all remember the acronym H.O.M.E.S. for the 5 great lakes: Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie and Superior. But what is the 6th largest lake in the United States?

It is the Great Salt Lake.

The Great Salt Lake is all the remains of Lake Bonneville. Lake Bonneville was formed about 30,000 years ago covered part of what is now Utah, Idaho and Nevada.

Since the Great Salt Lake has no rivers flowing out, all the natural salts found in the rocks and minerals of the area flow into the lake and it becomes increasingly more concentrated. Mercury and selenium are also very concentrated in the lake for the same reason.

The largest island on the lake is Antelope Island which at one time had one of the largest sheep ranches in the United States.

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